Decree no. 103/2012/nd-cp specifying about regional minimum salary levelapplied to employees working for enterprises, cooperatives, farms, household, individuals, units, and organizations which employ labour.
According to thisDecree, from 1stJanuary 2013, minimum salary level for employees working for units, individuals who employlabors will be adjusted to increase, instead of old level of Decision No.70/2011/ND-CP, as follow:
2.350.000 VND/month for region I.
2.100.000 VND/month for region II.
1.800.000 VND/month for region III.
1.650.000 VND/month for region IV.
Details attached in appendix of this Decision.
For employees who have been trained, the monthly minimum salary levelpayable must be higher than 7% the regional minimum salary level.